1 OCTOBER CD PLAYER DEBUTS: ANNIVERSARY On1 October, 1982 the first compact disc player, jointly developed by Sony, Philips and Polygram, went on sale. It cost $625 (more than $1,000 in current dollars). 2 OCTOBER The INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NON-VIOLENCE. 3-9 OCTOBER The National FIRE PREVENTION WEEK is observed in the United States and Canada (annually, the Sunday through Saturday period during which Oct 9 falls).
OCTOBER is the FIRE PREVENTION MONTH in the schools of Voronezh Region (Russia) this year. It is observed to increase awareness of the dangers of fire and to educate the students on how to stay safe from fire.
10 OCTOBER UNIVERSAL MUSIC DAY This day celebrates and encourages profound gratitude for music, musicians and music teachers (annually, the second Saturday in October) Web: www.UniversalMusicDay.org. 16 OCTOBER WORLD FOOD DAY Annual observance to heighten public awareness of the world food problem and to strengthen solidarity in the struggle against hunger and poverty. Web: www.worldfooddayusa.org. 24 OCTOBER UNITED NATIONS DAY: 65th ANNIVERSARY OF FOUNDING Official United Nations holiday commemorates founding of the United Nations. 31 OCTOBER HALLOWE’EN or ALL HALLOW’S EVE An ancient celebration combining Druid autumn festival and Christian customs.